On the Road Together
Passionately committed to serve!
Who We Are
And What We Do
And What We Do
Therese und François Pinaton
Happily married since 1993
Counseling, Coaching & Member Care;
Training and seminar speakers for international organizations
We have been serving the Lord in full-time ministry since 1993 and spent over 20 years with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in the area of training. It was a time of rich experiences with many ups and some downs that shaped and changed us and contributed to our personal growth. Especially during the difficult times we experienced that God was faithful and always at our side! Experiencing that God has carried us through time and again, that he has been true to his word, and has lovingly held us in seasons and through processes of change is a precious treasure from which we continue to glean and give to others!
Our Focus
Today we invest our lives with conviction and passion in the area of Member Care through RE3.
Our experiences and services are available to individuals, couples, as well as mission organizations, and mission schools.
Spiritual Formation
Weitere Berater
Unser Vorstand
Hans Muster Vorstand
Anna Zimmer Vorstand