Our Experience

Education and Training

Our Experience

We worked with “Youth With A Mission – YWAM” from 1993 to 2014, regularly leading national and international schools and outreaches to different continents.

As leaders we were responsible for the training of staff and school leaders and part of the leadership team “YWAM Wiler.” In 2006 we founded the base “YWAM Thun” and pioneered the training “xplore passion.” As motivated seminar leaders we regularly held training workshops on topics covering how to hear God’s voice; spending time with God & your relationship to God; identity in Christ; professional and life planning; dream days; personality, leadership and team development.

Education and Training

To be better equipped to serve individuals and organizations we invested in the following education and training:

Year Education
2017-2019 Mediation, FH Bern
2011-2012 Supervision EASC, 4progress
2009-2011 Coaching, 4progress
2008-2009 Counseling & Coaching, xpand
2004-2006 Image Consultant, Typakademie
2004-2006 “Leading with Values / Leadership & Management”, ACF
Year Training
2019 Crisis & Trauma Response Training, Le Rucher Ministries
2017 Debriefing, Le Rucher Ministries
2016-2017 Member Care AWM Korntal
2013 Resilience Coaching, progressio
2004-2010 Diverse Personality and Leadership Profiles, u.a. MBTI, ARP, Motivprofil, DISG
2004 Professional and Life Planning Tempus
2001 School of Intercession & Worship, Youth with a Mission
2000 Leadership Development Course, Youth with a Mission
1994 Basic Leadership School, Youth with a Mission
1993 Discipleship Training School, Youth with a Mission

Passionately committed to serve!


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