RE3 Target Groups

Who Are Our Services For?

Missionaries on the field

Our services are for missionaries on the field, before or in transition, or in the process of reentry after their missionary term. For missionaries on furlough we offer times of reflection and debriefings – tailored to their needs. We coach individuals over longer periods of time by counseling them in their daily life, in difficult and challenging situations, in professional transitions, or during their return to their home country.

We help mission organizations and mission schools that need support, coaching or training in topics concerning Member Care, coaching of missionaries, team development, spiritual formation, resilience, and conflict prevention/conflict solution. As of spring 2018 we will offer professional mediation for conflict situations.

Mission Organizations and Mission Schools

Member Care Leaders and Christian Organization Staff Members

We help Member Care leaders and Christian organization staff members by coaching and by individual or group supervision to reflect personal challenges in their support of missionaries. Topics include discussing case studies, a reflection of one’s own actions, as well as group supervision to utilize mutual resources and experiences.

Passionately committed to serve!


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